
On Travel & Twitter: My Thoughts At WorldHum

My comment on the subject of Twitter and travel, posted at World Hum: my favorite travel tweeters are people who share not only where they are, what's happening, why they're there, but also who they are and what they're looking for in the experience. a good example of this is @skinnylatte, a singaporean writer/photog bouncing between the UAE and SEAsia, tweeting all the way about her big life questions as well as the camel races in Abu Dhabi and the redshirt demonstrations in Bangkok.

also check out @everywheretrip, who's been on the road for 2 years and uses twitter brilliantly to drive traffic to his blog, but also to engage with people everywhere about what's happening where he is at the moment (Holy Week=Jerusalem)

as one tweeter in china says, "think global, tweet local". travel writers have a lot to share with the twitterverse, and twitter can be an integrated communications tool of greater power and less

as an American expat in Turkey, just being abroad falls into some people's travel category but I am also a travel writer and try to share cultural happenings and my local observations to events both here in Istanbul and elsewhere in the world.
