Mashable Lifestyle

Mashable Lifestyle Features My Social Media Advice To College Students Applying To Grad School

Screen Shot 2013-09-27 at 12.47.35 PMThanks Mashable Lifestyle -- part of the Mashable news site for the connected generation, one of the largest blogs on the Internet-- for featuring my social media advice to college students in your new weekly Twitter chat on the digital life! Screen Shot 2013-09-27 at 12.52.26 PM

Other guidance for college students applying I shared during the live tweeted #mashadvice column this week:


  • demo via social media (activities, blogs, commentary) strengths you'd include in your application
  • besides showing interest in a topic via social, also show *engagement* (what you DO about it)
  • Twitter, LI, any service: what's findable should reflect you/path you're on, match up w/what you present in applications
  • think about using Pinterest to create portfolios of your work (actual, or imagined-future), curate your vision
  • photos can be used as complement: to create atmosphere, demo aesthetic, show history